Application field
Other application fields
Finapres® devices for continuous non-invasive blood pressure monitoring are used in many application fields. Three main fields are Autonomic failure diagnosis, Hemodynamic Evaluation, and Physiology Education.
Here are a few other examples of typical Finapres® application fields!
Request for quoteFinapres® devices in Orthostatic Hypotension
Finapres® devices have been used in the Orthostatic Hypotension research field [1-3]. The Finapres® NOVA basic configuration provides accurate data to measure the effect on blood pressure of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular responses to orthostasis. Researchers have also used the Finapres® products for active stand tests [4]. The new Finapres® Guided Autonomic Testing software application facilitates several autonomic test maneuvers, including stand test!

Finapres® devices in space flight & space lab research
A very special application of the Finapres® device is its use by Space Agencies like the NASA, ESA & CNES [1-3]. Especially the portable Portapres® device still provides top scientists the opportunity to do hemodynamic research on the ground, in-flight missions, and during extended stays in space. Finapres® products have been used in the former MIR station (launched 35 years ago by the Russians) and, among many others, the Dutch astronaut André Kuipers has performed physiological experiments with these devices in the currently operating NASA International Space Station (ISS).

Sleep disorder research: short and long-term hemodynamic monitoring
Finapres® devices are used for sleep disorder research [8]. The newest Finapres® NOVA device includes a dual finger cuff system, with cuff switching between fingers on set intervals. This permits long continuous measurements while it also allows patients to sleep comfortably throughout the night. With Finapres® devices, short and long-term hemodynamic changes will become visible on a beat-to-beat basis. This prevents losing any information between intermittent measurements, e.g. every 30 minutes, which happens when using a non-continuous monitoring device!

Pharmaceuticals studies using Finapres® devices
Finapres® devices are also commonly used for continuous blood pressure monitoring during clinical trials on (new) pharmaceuticals with human subjects [5-7]. Finapres® devices are able to track short and long-term hemodynamic changes beat-to-beat in a non-invasive manner during and after administration of a pharmaceutical. This is a great advantage compared to other methods such as invasive monitoring and non-continuous intermittent measurements!